Business Imperatives

  • The client wanted to transition to a consolidated outsourcing model and hence needed a trustworthy partner.
  • The client consulted numerous other partners and finally chose Freyr as its partner of choice for the entire artwork transition.


The goal was to smoothly transition the client to a single outsourcing model for artwork support across various generic products in different regions, including Canada, Mexico, Australia, and India.

Problem Statement

  • The client had sought support in four regions, specifically Canada, Mexico, Australia, and India.
  • They required assistance with thirty (30) workflows and full-time support.
  • Over six (06) months, employees were to be transitioned.
  • Local knowledge and contextual understanding were necessary.
  • Approximately eleven thousand (11,000) existing artworks were works in progress.

Freyr Solutions and Services

 Freyr Solutions and Services
  • Provided thirty (30) workflows and full-time support.
  • Delivered comprehensive end-to-end artwork support.
  • Facilitated the transition to a consolidated outsourcing model.
  • Freyr performed primary due diligence, understood the client’s requirements, and provided end-to-end support.
  • Adopted a phase-based approach, (transition, hyper-care, stabilize, and steady).
  • Replaced resources that were moving out of the existing operations.
  • Maintained robust governance overall activities.
  • Freyr completed the end-to-end transition without hampering operational performance.
  • Zero (0) artwork recalls.
  • Saved over USD 300K in the first seven (07) months of operation.
  • Recorded zero (0) critical non-conformances (NCs) in internal audits.
  • Maintained quick Turnaround Time (TAT).
  • The diligent approach and structured implementation ensured a smooth transition, strong governance, and comprehensive artwork support across regions including Canada, Mexico, Australia, and India.
  • This effort resulted in substantial cost savings of ~USD 300K within the initial seven (07) months of operation, along with effective risk mitigation and operational efficiency.