Decode FDA Test Submissions for Successful Market Entry
3 min read

The Electronic Regulatory Submission (ERS) to the FDA is potentially fraught to many organizations. One of the most common roadblocks on this journey? The dreaded "Refuse to Receive" (RTR) notice. An RTR signifies that your submission has not met the basic formatting and data integrity requirements, delayed your review process, and added unnecessary stress.

This blog dives headfirst into the world of Instruction for Guidance-Compliant Test Submissions, your key to navigating the initial hurdle and avoiding the RTR blues. By understanding the importance of test submissions and mastering the essential ingredients for compliance, you can pave the way for a smooth and successful ERS journey.

Why do Test Submissions Matter?

Before we delve into the specifics of compliant test submissions, let us explore why they are crucial. Imagine boarding a plane for a crucial trip only to discover a technical issue that delays your departure. Similarly, an ERS without a test run can encounter unexpected formatting or data integrity issues, causing significant delays in the review process.

Test submissions act as a vital pre-flight check for your ERS. They allow you to test the functionality of the Electronic Submissions Gateway (ESG), the FDA's online portal for submitting electronic documents. This ensures compatibility between your data format and the ESG system, saving you precious time and potential frustration down the line.

The Essential Ingredients for a Compliant Test Submission

Now, let us unpack the secrets to a successful test submission and avoid that dreaded RTR. Here are the key elements you need to consider:

  • Centre Selection: The FDA operates different centers for various product types. Identify the appropriate centre based on your submission. Common options include the Centre for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) for drugs and the Centre for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) for biologics.
  • Submission Type: Choosing the correct submission type depends on your test purpose. Popular options include "Connection Test" to verify file transfer functionality, and "ECTD" for Electronic Common Technical Document test submissions.
  • Application Number: While a real application number is not needed for a test, using a unique identifier (e.g., "TEST123") helps distinguish your test submission from others.
  • Document Structure: Organize your submission files following the specific FDA guidelines for your chosen submission type. For example, if submitting an eCTD test, ensure your files adhere to the eCTD specifications.

Recommendations for submissions ensuring faster approvals from Has:

While the essential elements above form the foundation, here are additional tips to ensure a smooth test submission:

  • Accurate Labeling: Give your files clear and descriptive names for easy review by FDA personnel.
  • Data Integrity: Rigorously check the accuracy and completeness of your test data to avoid data integrity issues during the submission process.
  • Double-check: Perform a thorough review of your entire submission before hitting "Send." This minimizes the chance of errors that could lead to an RTR.

Embrace the Power of Compliant Test Submissions

Mastering the art of compliant test submissions empowers you to take control and expedite your ERS journey. Here is the takeaway: a successful test submission paves the way for a smooth official submission. This can significantly accelerate the review process, potentially bringing your product to market quicker.

Here are additional benefits of compliant test submissions:

  • Reduced Risk of Delays: By identifying and resolving formatting or data integrity issues early on, you avoid delays associated with RTR notices.
  • Increased Confidence: A successful test run boosts your confidence in your submission process, allowing you to focus on the scientific content and potential outcomes.
  • Improved Communication: Early engagement with the ESG system helps familiarize yourself with the submission process, fostering better communication with the FDA throughout the journey.

Conquering the initial hurdle of the ERS process lies in mastering compliant test submissions. By understanding the importance of test submissions, carefully considering the essential ingredients for compliance, and utilizing the valuable resources provided by the FDA, you can significantly increase your chances of a smooth and successful ERS journey. A seasoned regulatory partner like Freyr can assist in facilitating the power of compliant test submissions and pave your way for potential breakthroughs and innovations that benefit public health.


Sonal Gadekar