F-Value Reports for Child Resistant Packaging (CRP)

Our F-value calculation reports for child-resistant packaging ensure compliance with Regulatory standards, preventing accidental ingestion by children. With expert toxicologists, we deliver high-quality, evidence-based assessments with quick turnaround times, safeguarding child safety.

F-value Calculation for Child-resistant Packaging (CRP) - Overview

Child-resistant Packaging (CRP) is a type of packaging that is difficult for young children to open (or gain access to the contents) as opposed to adults. CRP reduces child mortality/adverse effects from the unintentional ingestion of oral prescription drugs. CRPs are usually designed and manufactured by changing the foil material, blister material, adhesives, the orientation of blister pockets, and using different wadding materials of the container closure systems.

The “F” value, also known as Failure Value, is defined as the number of individual dose units of a drug that can cause serious illness or injury in a 25lb (11.4kg) child. For highly toxic or harmful drugs, the “F” value is usually set at F1, indicating that the child’s access to a single unit is considered a failure. Less toxic or less harmful products have a higher “F” value (for example, F8). When a child acquires access to a 9th unit, a default restriction of F8 is typically adopted.

Regulatory Requirement:

For any drug packaging falling under the regulation of the Poison Prevention Packaging Act (PPPA), it is imperative to include the F value of the packaged substance. A comprehensive report, outlining evidence-based justification and the calculation of the F value, must be submitted to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.

As per 16 CFR § 1700.20 on the testing procedure for special packaging, a test failure is considered when a child opens the special packaging or gains access to its contents. Similarly, in the case of unit packaging, a test failure is considered when a child opens or gains access to the number of individual units or accesses more than eight (08) distinct units within 10 minutes of testing whichever is lower.

“F” value Calculation:

Toxicologists by virtue of their knowledge and experience in toxicological risk assessment are the best professionals who can evaluate substance-specific hazards and assess the potential acute health effects, encompassing both systemic and local effects likely to occur in children.

The process involves systematic collection and analyses of acute and repeated dose toxicity data and adverse health effects in humans including any available overdosage information from published case studies involving both adults and children. In addition, clinical trial and post-marketing data in adults, pharmacokinetic (PK), and pharmacodynamics (PD) data are also useful and considered during analyses of data. In the absence of substance-specific information, a read-across strategy using information from structurally or functionally similar compounds is seldom used to fill up the data gaps. Based on an overall assessment, a scientifically appropriate Point of Departure (POD) in terms of a numerical value (for example, a maximum tolerated dose or accidental exposure dose) is selected for the calculation of the 'F' value which is then utilized for F value calculation for 11.4 Kg weighing child. The "F" value typically ranges between 1 to 8.

F-values are calculated for a substance with multiple types of packaging (ex: Blister, bottles, etc). Based on the derived F-value, the packaging is designed for the drug product.

F-value Calculation for Child-resistant Packaging (CRP)

  • ‘F-value’ calculation reports in compliance with the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (E-CFR), Title 16 - Commercial Practices Chapter II - Consumer Product Safety Commission, and Poison Prevention Packaging: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
  • Regulatory knowledge and experience in the preparation of high-quality F-Value reports for simple to complex products.
  • Reports submitted to several clients across the globe.
F-value Calculation for Child-resistant Packaging
  • Fast turn-around time
  • Reports prepared by highly experienced and qualified toxicologists.
  • Reports reviewed and approved by certified toxicologists.
  • Robust quality control checks, right from document compilation to sign-off.
  • Flexibility to adapt to customer-specific templates and requirements like priority delivery of reports within the shortest time.
  • Regulatory/health authority query responses related to F value.
 F-value Calculation for Child-resistant Packaging

Celebrating Customers Success


Medicinal Products

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A big thanks to Freyr team for the support they have provided to us on priority. We really appreciate the extra effort that the Freyr team has put into providing the reports on time. We are looking forward for a continuous business association with Freyr.

Head of Quality Assurance


Medicinal Products

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A big thanks to the Freyr team for the support they have provided to us on priority. We really appreciate the extra effort that the Freyr team has put into providing the reports on time. We are looking forward to a continuous business association with Freyr.​

Head of Quality Assurance​

India-based, Leading Pharma Contract Manufacturing Organization​


Medicinal Products

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We are extremely happy to inform you that the BLA was successfully submitted to the FDA. We convey our sincere gratitude to the Freyr team, who worked diligently, tirelessly, and very closely with our Bridgewater and Beijing teams over the past several months to accomplish this monumental feat on time. Freyr’s team went beyond the call of duty to make this BLA submission come true. We truly appreciate Freyr’s flexibility and eagerness to work with us to accomplish aggressive goals. Look forward to your perennial support and our continued relationship and beyond. ​

Global CMC Technical Lead​

China-based, Leading Innovator Pharmaceutical Company​


Medicinal Products

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Thank you, Freyr team. I appreciate your professionalism, dedication, and hard work. You’ve gone above and beyond to ensure all deliverables were met ahead of schedule throughout the project and have done a great job managing a challenging group of products. I appreciate your attention to detail and follow-up on the large workload you’ve managed. It’s been a pleasure working with you, and I wish you and your family all the best in the future!​

Director, Global Labeling Management – Labeling Cluster Head Global Product ​ Development, Global Regulatory Affairs

US-based, Multinational Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Company​


Medicinal Products

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Thank you so much for being a great partner in our Regulatory compliance journey.

As Asian countries move towards having safety assessments as a key requirement, your support has helped us significantly in fulfilling those requirements well ahead of our competitors in Vietnam. ​

In fact, I shared your contact with our regulatory officers so that they can share it across the industry if the safety assessments become necessary.

Lead, R&D/Personal Care

India-based, Multinational Consumer Goods Company​


Medicinal Products

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Kudos to you all for the brilliant teamwork !! Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.

Look forward to the next milestone and collaboration on new projects in the future.

SVP - R&D ( Finished Dosage Form)​

US-based, CRO Company that Focuses on Material Science and Engineering for Drug Development​