Corporate Social Responsibility

Freyr is committed to empowering society and driving meaningful change worldwide

At Freyr, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are fundamental to our corporate values and principles. These ideals are embedded in our corporate DNA and culture. We have a dedicated committee to guide, monitor, and ensure our CSR commitments are clearly defined and communicated to all employees and stakeholders across our global offices.

  • Green IT:

    Reducing Energy and Waste

    Freyr doesn't view Green IT as a mere cost of doing business but as a strategic approach to implementing best practices. We invest in cutting-edge technology, eco-friendly facilities, and sustainable software solutions to minimize our carbon footprint and promote environmental sustainability in our daily operations.

  • Social Outreach:

    Extending the Human Touch

    Freyr is deeply aware of its geographical footprint and quickly mobilizes its employees and stakeholders to support regional and national governance during natural disasters and crises. Our CSR committee spreads awareness and encourages active social and financial contributions to affected communities.

Pantry donations in the UK

As part of our CSR Volunteering Initiative, Freyr UK partnered with "The Hive Community Centre" in Guildford, UK. The Hive's community pantry supports the homeless and those affected by the cost-of-living crisis. Our team contributed groceries to stock the pantry for winter, making a tangible impact on the community.

Grocery Donation Drive: A Day with the Elderly Residents

Freyr had a heartwarming experience visiting the Second Chance Foundation during our Grocery Donation Drive on November 3, 2023. The visit was an eye-opener, reminding us to appreciate "what we have" while supporting those in need. We collected and personally delivered essential supplies for the elderly residents, cherishing the time spent and lessons learned from their experiences.

Women of Regulatory

“Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. We’re strongest when we cheer each other on.”
-Serena Williams.

Freyr's "Women of Regulatory" event celebrated the achievements of women in the regulatory field. It was an honor to hear their stories and find inspiration in their successes. We are grateful for the support and participation in this event and look forward to future celebrations.

Signal Chacha: Advocating Road Safety

Freyr is raising awareness about road safety through our unique CSR initiative, Signal Chacha. This program, in collaboration with the Cyberabad Traffic Police, features a mascot and educational videos to promote safe driving practices. Our volunteers monitor traffic violations and help create a safer road environment.

Run for Farmers: Run for a Cause

The "Run for Farmers" initiative encourages employees to participate in marathons supporting agricultural causes. Freyr actively supports this initiative, with our employees participating annually to show solidarity and support for farmers.

i4Farmers: Preserving Biodiversity

i4Farmers is a US-based non-profit 501(c) organization established by Freyr's core management team as an ongoing CSR initiative. Freyr collaborates with employees and community stakeholders to support farmers in adopting cost-effective agricultural practices and providing educational opportunities in rural areas. Our enterprising spirit and passion for innovation drive us to make a significant impact in these vital areas.