The RIFM (Research Institute for Fragrance Materials) has requested concentration data on 125 fragrance ingredients as part of a safety assessment process. This data will be used to evaluate consumer exposure to fragrance materials through the Creme RIFM Aggregate Exposure Model. The survey, which includes new product categories such as baby products and sun care, requires fragrance compounders to provide concentration data only for marketed fragrance mixtures. The data will remain confidential and must be submitted by February 28, 2025. If the data is not submitted, the fragrance ingredients may be removed from RIFM evaluations in 2027. The data submission process has been made available through the RIFM Portal. Additionally, RIFM has held webinars to assist in completing the survey and using the online data portal. More detailed information can be accessed via RIFM’s website or by contacting RIFM staff.

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Baby products
Safety assessment
Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM)