Brexit: Possible Outcomes for Life Sciences

The webinar was successfully concluded on

November 11, 2020. 

We are delighted to see your interest in Freyr’s Webinar Series (FWS). The webinar on, “Brexit: Possible Outcomes for Lifesciences”, was successfully concluded on November 11, 2020. Here is the archived session for your perusal.

What Was It All About?

In a nutshell, during the webinar, our presenter - Christopher Carr (Associate Director), discussed about:

  • Various Possible Scenarios / Trade Deal Types That Might Formalize and Surround the UK’s Exit from the EU
  • Major Areas of Pharmaceutical Business that Might Be Affected
  • Q&A / What Do You Need to Do, To Stay Ahead of the Curve

As a continuous practice, Freyr is destined to organize more webinar sessions related to Regulatory aspects of Life Sciences. We are sure you would like to be a part of all those sessions. If yes, we will be very much happy to inform you about the next session.