Health Based Exposure Limits (HBELs) Regulatory Expectations and Challenges

The webinar was successfully concluded on

October 13, 2020. 

We are delighted to see your interest in Freyr’s Webinar Series.The webinar on, “Health Based Exposure Limits (HBELs) - Regulatory Expectations and Challenges”, was successfully concluded on October 13, 2020. Here is the archived session.

What Was It All About?

In a nutshell, during the webinar, our presenter Dr.Jaiprakash Bhelonde (Assistant General Manager – Medical Writing Services), discussed the following topics:

  • Introduction and History of Health Based Exposure Limit (HBEL)
  • General Methodology and Approaches for Determination of HBELs
  • HBELs for Highly Toxic Substances with Sensitization Potential
  • HBELs for Excipients, Intermediates and Cleaning Agents Used in Cleaning Validation
  • Importance of Experience and Credentials of Toxicologist in Determination of High Quality Scientific HBEL Monograph
  • Regulatory Expectations and Concerns on HBEL Monographs
  • Interesting Case Studies