Market Entry for Food Products and Supplements in Latin America: Navigating Regulatory Challenges

Strategic Guide for License Transfers in South Korea

September 26, 2024 

30 Minutes

Join the Webinar at your Convenient Time

For Americas and European Regions

10:00 AM EDT | 9:00 AM CDT | 3:00 PM BST

For Rest of The World Region

11:30 AM IST

What is it all about?

South Korea is one of the emerging global markets for pharmaceutical products, valued at $27.9 billion in 2020, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.4%, reaching $35.1 billion by 2030. Managing pharmaceutical license transfers in South Korea requires meticulous planning, comprehensive documentation, and strict adherence to MFDS guidelines. Efficient license transfer management is crucial for sustaining industry growth and public health.

Are you looking for support with license transfers or want to manage them effectively in South Korea? Attend our webinar to learn successful strategies for navigating this intricate process.

The webinar will be hosted by Michael Lambell- Sr. Vice President MPR Regulatory Affairs, and presented by Kyeomju Nah, Senior Manager MPR Regulatory Affairs – South Korea.

In brief, the topics to be discussed during the webinar include: 

  • Defining the process and importance of license transfer in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Discussing successful strategies for managing license transfers effectively.
  • Highlighting Regulatory considerations and requirements during license transfers.
  • Question & Answers (Q&A). 

With respect to your busy schedule, we really look forward to seeing you in the webinar. Stay safe. 


Michael has forty (40) years of industry experience. He has worked predominantly in CMC Regulatory functions for twenty-nine (29) years with an additional eleven (11) years in other scientific development roles, including formulation development, analytical method development, and clinical trial supply, at Eli Lilly and Johnson & Johnson. His extensive experience includes managing collaborations with Regulatory partner companies, and he is currently leading a range of Regulatory programs at Freyr.


Kyeomju Nah is a Regulatory expert with approximately ten (10) years of experience, possessing deep knowledge and diverse expertise in life cycle management of existing products, as well as providing Regulatory advice for launching new products to market. An expert in Regulatory affairs within the Korean pharmaceutical industry, Kyeomju has a broad range of experience.


Michael Lambell

Sr. Vice President MPR Regulatory Affairs


Kyeomju Nah

Senior Manager MPR Regulatory Affairs – South Korea