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What is a Unique Formula Identifier (UFI)?

Any hazardous mixture or product would be labeled with a unique code, called a Unique Formula Identifier (UFI). It is a requirement to Annex VIII to CLP (harmonizing the information related to emergency health response) and is a unique sixteen (16) digit alpha-numeric code separated by hyphens in four (04) blocks (Ex: UFI: E600-30P1-S00Y-5079). The code links the submitted information on the mixture placed in the market and the medical emergency needed (information needed to treat patients).

The UFI is a mandatory requirement in the EU for hazardous mixtures, and the code needs to be presented on the product label. Manufacturers should include this information while performing PCN and further print the same on the product label. The transition period for PCN will end in Jan 2025. An entity has to submit the VAT number and the formulation number of the product mixture to generate a UFI.

Importance of the UFI:

  • Forty percent (40%) of calls to Poison Centers have problems with the identification of products
  • UFI provides more accurate advice on precautions and treatment
  • It is helpful to distinguish two (02) mixtures with the same trade name
  • Poison Centers will be able to decode the information on mixture composition from the UFI

Would you like to learn more about UFI? Or would you like to understand best compliance practices to align with the Poison Centers? Reach out to a regional Regulatory expert.