It is well known that the risk of a chemical, majorly depends on the inherent toxicity of the chemical and the extent of exposure. In chemical management, determining the toxicity of chemicals is necessary to understand its potential to cause adverse effects when an organism, population or system is exposed to that specific chemical/agent.

Across the globe, Regulatory decisions for industrial chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and pesticides are made based on the toxicity assessment. As the chemical substances may have numerous toxic effects on the human body, manufacturers must carefully compile the toxicological assessment reports to launch their products globally, with utmost compliance. Here we list out some of the studies that are often used for hazard/toxicity assessment:

  • Acute Toxicity
  • Carcinogenicity
  • Mutagenicity and Genotoxicity
  • Skin and Eye Irritation
  • Sensitization
  • Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity
  • Repeated Dose Toxicity
  • Toxicokinetics

As the above-mentioned toxic studies stand crucial for a chemical product’s safety and effectiveness and hence determining its global launch, manufacturers shouldn’t take a chance of any misconduct if they do not have internal expertise. They must consider opting for a DABT and ERT certified toxicologists for toxicological hazard/risk assessment services. Stay informed. Stay compliant.