Converting Non-eCTD Submissions to eCTD for Prequalified Products
2 min read

The World Health Organization (WHO) Prequalification program plays a vital role in ensuring access to safe and effective medical products. Traditionally, submissions for prequalification may have been filed in a non-eCTD format. However, the WHO is transitioning towards eCTD submissions for both new and existing products.

This blog post dives into the process of converting a non-eCTD submission to an eCTD format for prequalified products, helping you navigate this crucial step.

Why eCTD?

Imagine a world where your submissions are not only uniform and structured but also easy to manage and access. That's the world eCTD opens up for you. Here’s why this transformation is a game-changer:

  • Standardization: Say goodbye to the chaos of inconsistent submissions. With eCTD, everything follows a uniform structure.
  • Efficiency: Manage large volumes of data without breaking a sweat.
  • Accessibility: Regulators can easily access and review documents, speeding up the approval process.
  • Compliance: Stay ahead of the curve with enhanced adherence to regulatory requirements.

Ready, Set, Convert! The Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Assessment and Planning
    • Evaluate Existing Submissions: Dive deep into your current non-eCTD submissions to pinpoint what’s needed for conversion.
    • Craft a Conversion Plan: Map out a clear, detailed plan outlining each step, timeline, resources, and team responsibilities.
  2. Document Preparation
    • Reorganize Content: Restructure your existing documents to fit the eCTD modules and sections.
    • Ensure Completeness: Double-check that all necessary documents and data are ready to go.
  3. Technical Conversion
    • Choose Your eCTD Software: Pick reliable, regulatory-compliant eCTD submission software.
    • Format Documents: Convert your documents to the required formats (think PDF, XML) while ensuring they meet eCTD specifications.
    • Compile eCTD Sequence: Piece together the documents into a seamless eCTD sequence, following the eCTD structure.
  4. Quality Control
    • Validate Your Submission: Use validation tools to ensure technical accuracy, completeness, and regulatory compliance.
    • Conduct an Internal Review: Meticulously review the converted eCTD submission to ensure it meets all standards.
  5. Submission and Follow-Up
    • Submit to WHO: Upload your eCTD sequence to the WHO Prequalification program via the designated submission portal.
    • Monitor Feedback: Keep an eye on feedback or queries from WHO and respond promptly.

Pro Tips for a Smooth Conversion

  • Invest in Training: Equip your team with the knowledge and skills needed to handle eCTD requirements and software.
  • Stay Updated: Keep abreast of the latest WHO guidelines and eCTD regulatory requirements.
  • Collaborate with Experts: Engage with regulatory experts and consultants to tackle any conversion challenges head-on.

Your Next Step Towards Excellence

Converting non-eCTD to eCTD submissions for WHO Prequalified products isn’t just a task—it’s a leap toward innovation and efficiency. By embracing this structured approach and utilizing the right tools, you ensure a smooth transition that supports global health efforts by making safe and effective medical products more accessible. A seasoned regulatory partner like Freyr can assist in ensuring compliance with the latest regulations is crucial for a successful eCTD dossier submission.