Cosmetic Registration EU

EU REACH Registration - Overview

The EU cosmetics registration process is regarded by some to be the most challenging, as far as the global markets go. We do not expect you to have it mastered when you first contact us, our dedicated team will take you through it step by step. We have done so with clients from every part of the world, small and large, across all categories of cosmetic products, such as skin care, hair care, infant care, oral care, nail care, etc.

Europe is one of the most preferred markets for cosmetic products in the world. The notification process of cosmetic products in the region is monitored by the European Commission under Regulation EC No. 1223/2009. The EU Cosmetics Regulation aims to harmonize the notification process of cosmetic products across the European Union (EU), covering all 27 EU member states along with Norway, Iceland, and Lichtenstein.

According to Regulation EC No. 1223/2009, every cosmetic product, before being placed on the market, should have a Legal Representative (LR) in the EU known as the EU Responsible Person (RP). The RP oversees the safety and Regulatory compliance of the cosmetic product formulation and maintains the Product Information File (PIF) up-to-date, including the main Regulatory document: Cosmetic Product Safety Report (CPSR). The role and obligations of an RP are listed in detail under Regulation EC No. 1223/2009. The regulation also defines a centralized online notification system known as the Cosmetic Product Notification Portal (CPNP), wherein the manufacturers and importers, as default RPs must notify their cosmetic products to sell them in the entire EU.

Freyr, with exclusive offices in the EU (Germany) and the United Kingdom (UK), supports new market entrants with EU cosmetic compliance and EU cosmetic labelling for expedited market entry. Freyr acts as a Responsible Person (RP) throughout the EU and the UK.

Freyr Expertise

  • CLP Regulation, REACH Regulation, and EU Cosmetics Regulation.
  • Cosmetics testing services - Microbiology Test, Dermatology Test (Patch Test), Preservative Efficacy Test (Challenge Test), Stability Test, and Package Compatibility Test
  • Classification of cosmetic products.
  • Cosmetics formulation review.
  • Cosmetics ingredients review.
  • Cosmetics safety assessment.
  • EU cosmetics compliance and artwork creation.
  • Cosmetics labeling review
  • Cosmetics claims review.
  • Claims substantiation.
  • EU CPSR preparation.
  • EU PIF compilation.
  • EU CPNP cosmetics notification.
  • EU Responsible Person (RP) services.
  • Regulatory Intelligence (RI)
  • Strategic Regulatory consulting.

Freyr Advantages

  • End-to-end cosmetic Regulatory services enabling easy market entry.
  • Safety assessment process performed in full, from label review and formula review to the creation of the full PIF, the CPSR, and a CPNP notification.
  • A dedicated artwork team to revamp your labels from one Regulatory format to another to meet the latest EU cosmetic labeling requirements.
  • Cost-effective Responsible Person (RP) service for both the European Union (EU) with an RP address in Germany and the United Kingdom (UK).
  • Full lab testing capacity for physicochemical analyses, microbiology, dermatology, stability, and compatibility testing with the packaging.
  • Claims review and claims substantiation studies available.

Looking for Regulatory Support in European Union

Contact us now for Expert Guidance and Support