Food Supplements Registration in Hong Kong

Food Supplements Registration in Hong Kong - Overview

Hong Kong’s Centre for Food Safety (CFS), which operates under the Hong Kong Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD), is responsible for implementing territory-wide food safety policies and enforcing food-related legislations. In Hong Kong, food intended for sale must be fit for human consumption, as defined under the legal framework of Hong Kong food safety regulations in Part V of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap.132) and its subsidiary legislation.

Health food products, depending on their ingredients, are regulated under four (04) different ordinances. These are as follows:

  • Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (PHMSO).
  • Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance (PPO).
  • Chinese Medicine Ordinance (CMO).
  • Undesirable Medical Advertisements Ordinance (UMAO).

The Drug Office, Department of Health, Hong Kong regulates dietary supplements that are to be registered in a similar way as over-the-counter (OTC) pharmaceutical products, depending upon the intended claims and ingredients in the formula.

Moreover, nutraceuticals and dietary/health supplements may not require registration, depending on the claims on the product or the outer packaging, or more specifically, the ingredients list. If it is decided that the product needs to be registered, a robust dossier should be in place as per Hong Kong food regulation. Freyr assists manufacturers with the process of food supplements registration in Hong Kong along with end-to-end Regulatory support.

Food Supplements Registration in Hong Kong


  • Product Classification and Food Supplements Registration in Hong Kong.
  • Formula Review/Ingredients Assessment.
  • Label and Claims Review.
  • Dossier Compilation, Gap Analysis, and Submission/Registration.
  • Food Import Guidance.
  • Claims Consultation Services.
  • Food Regulatory Strategy.


  • End-to-end Regulatory consultation.
  • Guidance and support with regards to Hong Kong food additive regulation.
  • A qualified team of experts with hands-on experience across all categories of foods like health supplements, dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, Health Functional Foods (HFFs), health functional beverages, Foods for Special Dietary Use (FSDU), etc.
  • Support in region-specific Regulatory activities.
  • An extensive partnership network across the globe.
  • A strong relationship with various Health Authorities (HAs).

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