Global End-to-end Regulatory Solutions

Providing you with comprehensive Regulatory affairs support for new products and new market authorizations, Health Authority submissions, post-approval CMC, and lifecycle management support for more than a decade with our Global Expertise and Local Excellence.

Frequently Asked Questions


Regulatory Affairs (RA) in the pharmaceutical industry involves ensuring the quality, safety, and efficacy of medicines throughout their lifecycle. RA professionals navigate complex global health authority requirements, maintaining compliance from drug discovery to commercialization. They act as a communication link between pharmaceutical companies and Regulatory authorities worldwide.

The primary purpose of regulation in the pharmaceutical industry is to safeguard public health by ensuring that new drugs are safe and effective before reaching the market. Regulatory agencies enforce rigorous standards for testing and evaluation, minimizing potential health risks. This Regulatory oversight provides confidence in the medical treatments available to the public.

Regulatory Affairs professionals ensure that pharmaceutical products comply with Regulatory standards throughout their lifecycle. They are involved in clinical trial design, marketing authorization, and post-approval management, ensuring ongoing compliance and facilitating necessary product changes. Their expertise helps companies bring safe and effective products to market efficiently.

Lifecycle management in pharmaceuticals involves maintaining the viability of a product from development through post-approval. It includes strategies for clinical development, marketing authorization, and ongoing compliance with Regulatory standards. Effective lifecycle management ensures the product remains safe and effective throughout its market presence.

Pharmaceutical regulation has evolved significantly, from medieval drug lists to modern international harmonization efforts. Key milestones include the US Pure Food and Drugs Act of 1906 and the formation of the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) in 1990. These developments have strengthened global standards for drug safety and efficacy.

Non-compliance with Regulatory standards can lead to significant consequences, including fines, litigation, and product withdrawals. It can damage a company's reputation and result in increased scrutiny from Regulatory authorities. Ensuring compliance is essential to avoid these risks and maintain market access.

Freyr offers comprehensive Regulatory solutions, supporting clients from early-stage development through commercialization. Their services include preparing documentation for health authorities, identifying Regulatory challenges, and advising on post-marketing strategies. Freyr's expertise helps expedite product development and market availability.

Global Regulatory harmonization aims to streamline drug development and registration processes across different countries. It minimizes animal testing and ensures public health by aligning Regulatory requirements internationally. This harmonization facilitates the efficient introduction of new treatments to global markets.

Regulatory agencies such as the FDA in the United States and the EMA in the European Union enforce standards to ensure drug safety and efficacy. They oversee comprehensive testing and evaluation processes before drugs can be marketed. These agencies balance the need for new treatments with minimizing potential health risks.

Freyr's Global Regulatory intelligence framework provides up-to-date information on global regulations and Health Authority standings. This framework is integrated into customer/ client projects to enhance market-specific success. It supports strategic planning and Regulatory compliance across multiple geographies.

Celebrating Customers Success


Medicinal Products

Regulatory Affairs


Thank you for the timely support over the weekend, which allowed us to resubmit quickly after being notified. This continuously demonstrates Freyr's commitment towards our company’s milestones.

Director - Global Regulatory Affairs – Operations

India-based, Global Top Generic Pharma Company


Medicinal Products



I am sure you have heard by now that we have received our first-ever approval from the FDA for our Brands division. This is a major milestone for us as well as for my team here in Reg Ops. I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that we would not have been able to do this without the help of your dedicated team. From the original filing, then the following year of responses, all helped get us to final approval.

Thank you Freyr team for a job well done!

Sr. Director, Head of Regulatory Operations

Ireland-based, Global Specialty Pharmaceutical Company


Medicinal Products

Regulatory Affairs


Please relate to the team the excellent job they have done on the IND reactivation. Specifically, the high-quality module 3, written by Freyr. It was very comprehensive, very few revisions were required, and we had no questions from Health Canada or FDA. No CMC questions: that was a first for me. So very responsive to my many requests, which I am sure can be frustrating but always helpful while producing excellent work.

Thank you for always being available and responding quickly and comprehensively to all my requests.

What a great team you have, Freyr.

Lynne McGrath

Regulatory Consultant


Medicinal Products

Regulatory Affairs


Congratulations!!! ​

Thanks for your great support for a successful ANDA filing, especially to the publishing team. Heartfully appreciate their last hours of hard work.

Assistant Manager​

US-based, Leading, Complex Generic Pharmaceutical Products Company​


Medicinal Products

Regulatory Affairs


Thank you all for the great support!​


US-based, Leading Innovative Pharmaceuticals Company​


Medicinal Products

Regulatory Affairs


The ANDA receipt has been received! Thank you very much for your hard work, patience, and support for our work over the last couple of months. We are delighted that we were able to meet the timeline and hit an important corporate goal of our young company. ​

Thank you again, and we look forward to working with your team on the next project!

Senior Director of Business and Product Development​

US-based, Leading Innovator Pharmaceuticals Company​