• Season 5 - MoCRA in Action: Your Essential Guide to Regulatory Compliance

    What is it all about?

    Welcome to the Season 5 of Freyr Regulatory Radio Consumer! We're delighted to present a consumer Regulatory podcast series dedicated to MoCRA regulations. This series introduces standardized regulations covering facility registration, product listing, safety substantiation, and adverse event reporting.

    At Freyr, our goal is to simplify the intricate MoCRA Regulatory landscape through candid and direct conversations with industry experts. We strive to make these regulations more accessible and comprehensible to all stakeholders.

    This season of the Freyr podcast serves as your ultimate guide, providing a clear path to understanding through expert-led discussions. Tune in and empower yourself with essential knowledge for navigating the Regulatory realm with confidence.

Meet Our Speaker

Vishwajeet Mohan

General Manager

Vishwajeet has led projects on transitioning large portfolios to EU Cosmetic regulatory compliance when this regulation was enforced in 2013. He is regularly involved in voluntary compliance audits for major cosmetic / FMCG brands primarily in case of mergers and acquisitions. His unique process optimisation & and scale-up approach have helped clients deal with huge work volumes efficiently with confidence."