1 min read

An orphan drug is a medication developed to treat a rare disease. These diseases, often referred to as ‘orphan diseases,’ affect a small number of people, making it financially challenging for pharmaceutical companies to develop treatments. To encourage the development of these essential drugs, governments around the world offer incentives through a program called Orphan Drug Designation.

What are the Benefits of Orphan Drug Designation?

To make the development of orphan drugs more attractive to pharmaceutical companies, governments provide various incentives, such as:

  • Guidance and support from Regulatory authorities to expedite the drug development process.
  • A period of exclusive marketing rights after the drug is approved, allowing the company to recover its investment.
  • Financial support to cover some of the development costs.

Why is Orphan Drug Designation Considered Important?

Millions of people worldwide suffer from rare diseases. Without orphan drug designation and the associated incentives, many of these patients would have limited or no treatment options. This designation plays a vital role in ensuring that these patients have access to life-changing medications.

Navigating the Orphan Drug Designation Process

Obtaining orphan drug designation can be complex, requiring a deep understanding of Regulatory requirements and the specific needs of the target patient population. Freyr, a global Regulatory services provider, offers expert guidance to help pharmaceutical companies navigate this process successfully.

Let Freyr be your partner in bringing life-saving treatments to patients with rare diseases.