1 min read

The Korean Research-based Pharmaceutical Industry Association (KRPIA) is a non-profit organization representing South Korean pharmaceutical companies engaged in research. The KRPIA was founded in 1999, and it was officially approved in 2000. Its primary goals are to assist in the discovery and timely delivery of breakthrough pharmaceuticals, promote ethical business practices in the pharmaceutical sector, and contribute to the advancement of public healthcare in South Korea.

As of 2023, the KRPIA comprised forty-eight (48) research-oriented pharmaceutical companies. The main objective of the association is to establish an environment in which local and international pharmaceutical enterprises can actively participate in the development of novel pharmaceuticals, thereby improving everyone’s health and quality of life.

The key functions of the KRPIA are:

  • Supporting Pharmaceutical Innovation: The KRPIA supports the development and supply of innovative new pharmaceuticals by creating a conducive environment for local and global pharmaceutical businesses to invest in research and development. The association promotes new drug research and timely delivery of drugs to Korean patients.
  • Promoting Ethical Business Practices: The KRPIA aims to promote ethical business practices in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Enhancing the Pharmaceutical Industry’s Impact on National Health: The association strives to elevate the role of the pharmaceutical industry in improving national health in Korea.
  • Providing Up-to-date Drug Information: The KRPIA offers up-to-date drug information to healthcare professionals and the public.
  • Advocating for the Industry: The KRPIA advocates for the research-based pharmaceutical industry in South Korea.
  • Improving Patient Access: The association aspires to improve patient access to innovative drugs by leveraging the research and development capabilities and expertise of its member businesses.

To sum up, KRPIA’s key responsibilities include assisting with drug discovery, promoting ethical practices, improving national healthcare, providing medication information, and advocating for South Korea’s research-based pharmaceutical industry.

Are you a research-based pharmaceutical business aiming to develop and launch innovative drugs in South Korea? Our Regulatory Affairs professionals can assist you in understanding KRPIA rules and regulations while also ensuring compliance with ethical business practices.

Contact us today to find out how our Regulatory Affairs services can help you excel in the South Korea pharmaceutical market.