The cosmetic notification system in Malaysia has been active for quite some time now. It has given cosmetic manufacturing companies from all over the world a fair opportunity to have their products distributed in the emerging market of Malaysia. Having said that, our question is, have you notified your products in the market? If not, we suggest you decode the entire process and regulations right away.

For a company to be able to market their products in Malaysia, it needs to notify the Director of Pharmaceutical Services (DPS) through the National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau (NPCB). It is obligatory for the company to be first registered with Syarikat Suruhanjaya Malaysia (SSM) or Malaysian Registrar of Business (ROB). It is to be noted that companies registered with the registry of Companies and Businesses are eligible to file for product notification to Ministry of Health (MOH). The agency has made it easier for the companies to implement product notification through the online website.

The Process

To begin with the process, companies are required to file a request to get the access to the online platform followed by submission of completely filled notification form and finally making the payment for the process. Post the successful payment, within a time period of 1-3 days, a notification number is generated in form of a notification note that depicts as the green flag for the companies to distribute, import, wholesale and manufacture cosmetic products in Malaysia. For wholesalers to be able to manufacture, wholesale and import the cosmetic products indirectly, a separate approval is mandatory. This notification stands valid for 2 years and can be renewed with a processing fee, one month before the expiry date.

Companies manufacturing cosmetic products, not targeted for the local market are excused from notification requirement since they do not influence the safety measures for the native consumers. In such cases, it is mandatory for companies to get erstwhile authorizations from the Director of Pharmaceutical Services (DPS). For an overseas cosmetics company to be able to distribute its product line in Malaysia, it needs to appoint a local agent in the form of another company which is already registered in Malaysia. With an immediate effect, the appointed agent will take care of all the proceedings related to the notification process.

If a single cosmetic product is being manufactured by several companies, that particular product should be notified to the authorities in one single submission. In case there are any further changes to the product, the corresponding manufacturer is required to report those changes through a new notification request. As far as the processing fee is concerned, companies are required to shell out an amount of RM50 for every product and the corresponding variant (if any).

Malaysia seems to be one of the most promising emergent markets, especially for cosmetic product manufacturers. Missing out an opportunity to register your product through cosmetic notification system may result in loss of great opportunities. On the other hand, the cosmetic notification system encompasses its own lifecycle that demands in-depth knowledge and expertise in the procedures involved. It is best suggested to seek support from a cosmetic notification service provider well acquainted with Malaysian regulations.