In Canada, cosmetic products must meet stringent regulatory standards to ensure consumer safety and product quality. Under the authority of Health Canada, the Cosmetic Notification Form (CNF) submission is a key requirement for all cosmetic products before they enter the Canadian market. This guide outlines the importance of cosmetic product notifications and provides a step-by-step overview to help brands stay compliant.

Why Cosmetic Notifications Are Essential

The CNF is Health Canada’s way of ensuring that cosmetic products are safe and that ingredients do not pose risks to public health. Cosmetic notifications allow Health Canada to keep track of products and their ingredients, monitor for potential hazards, and perform market surveillance if necessary. Proper notification is also essential for brands to protect their reputation, avoid legal consequences, and maintain consumer trust.

Key Regulations for Cosmetic Compliance in Canada

  • Canada’s Food and Drugs Act: Cosmetics in Canada fall under this act, specifically the Cosmetic Regulations outlined within. It defines cosmetics broadly, covering products such as makeup, skincare, haircare, and oral hygiene products.
  • Prohibited and Restricted Ingredients: Health Canada provides a comprehensive list of prohibited and restricted substances under the Cosmetic Ingredient Hotlist. Manufacturers must ensure their products do not contain banned substances and adhere to concentration limits for restricted ingredients.
  • Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP): Though not mandatory, adhering to GMP standards is highly recommended for ensuring product safety and quality. GMP compliance demonstrates a commitment to quality control, which is advantageous during Health Canada’s surveillance activities.

Steps to Submitting a Cosmetic Notification Form (CNF)

Complete the Cosmetic Notification Form (CNF):

  • The CNF requires specific information, including the product’s brand name, function, ingredient list, type of the product (Rinse-off or Leave-on), etc.
  • For each ingredient, the exact concentration and concentration in ranges must be provided, allowing Health Canada to evaluate the product’s safety.

Submission Timeline:

  • The CNF must be submitted to Health Canada within 10 days of first selling a product in Canada. This applies to all new products, reformulations, or rebranded cosmetics.

Electronic Submission:

  • Health Canada requires an electronic submission of the CNF through the Cosmetics Notification System. Upon successful submission, companies receive confirmation, serving as evidence of regulatory compliance.

Post-Notification Compliance and Monitoring

Once the CNF is submitted, companies are expected to maintain compliance with Health Canada’s standards and be prepared for post-market surveillance. Health Canada conducts inspections and may request documentation such as safety data, product labels, or re-evaluations of formulations to verify cosmetic compliance. Companies must promptly report any adverse reactions related to their products and maintain records of any complaints, which may be reviewed during inspections.


Submitting a Cosmetic Notification Form is more than a regulatory obligation; it’s a commitment to consumer safety and brand integrity in the Canadian market. By ensuring compliance with Health Canada’s guidelines and maintaining transparency, brands can confidently establish themselves within Canada’s competitive cosmetics industry. Contact our regulatory experts at Freyr for assistance with CNF submissions and regulatory support for a seamless entry into the Canadian market.