Is it that important to ensure the compliance and safety of the Cosmetic products from the consumer’s perspective?

Considering the recent adverse events reported in the Cosmetics world, and the ripples they have created in the Regulatory circles, we believe the answer is yes. Companies must ensure their product is safe for consumers in all aspects. In addition, they should approach for the safety and compliance not only from the Regulatory perspective, but must also make sure they have the strong legal standpoint to defend their products in times of unforeseen contingencies.

Organizations irrespective of the size, big/small/medium, should find better ways to defend their products from the legal perspective. Or to avoid those situations, they must streamline Cosmetic Regulatory activities in a much more effective manner.

Like in earlier times, the job of Regulatory departments, these days, won’t just stop with reviewing formulas and generating ingredient lists, but extends to gaining more intelligence on geo-specific Regulatory legislations. Since each region has its own restrictions and laws on raw material usage while manufacturing cosmetic products; regional labeling requirements to reach out to customers; and various other inflictions to import/export the cosmetic products, the greatest challenge companies could face is to get along with the multi-regional Regulatory requirements.

To safeguard the cosmetic product launch or registration, companies should be well versed with various regulatory forms, complex registration procedures, and filing requirements in respective regions. For instance, let us give you the sheer volume of forms you should require for the Cosmetics Compliance in the US and the EU markets.

The United StatesThe European Union
California Air Resources Board (CARB) filings (CA)
California Safe Cosmetic Program
OTC Registration
FDA Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program
Cosmetic Products Notification Portal (CPNP) filings
Safety Assessments
Product Information Files (PIF)

Likewise, there are different filing procedures and requirements for Cosmetics Compliance across the globe.

Tracking down each geography’s requirements might be tiresome for companies and at the same time failing to do so, might deter the business expansion plans. In such scenarios, opting for an exclusive Cosmetic Regulatory Service provider may help them streamline cosmetic compliance activities thus to mitigate compliance risks and to improve product’s time-to-market.

Enabling Cosmetic companies across the globe understand various regional product registration/launch requirements, Freyr as a specialist provider of Cosmetic Regulatory services, leads “Demystifying Cosmetics Compliance,” a live webinar scheduled on 17 May, 2016. For a comprehensive overview of Cosmetics Compliance, register your spot right away. Let us see you there.