In today’s digital age, e-commerce platforms have become the go-to destination for purchasing a wide range of goods, including food products. However, ensuring the safety and accuracy of products that are sold online is paramount. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has recently issued a directive specifically targeting e-commerce Food Business Operators (FBOs) to ensure accurate categorization, packaging, labeling, advertising, and claims of food products sold on their platforms. In this blog, we shall explore the key points of this directive and understand how Regulatory experts like Freyr can assist e-commerce FBOs in complying with such regulations.

Understanding FSSAI’s Directive

The directive issued by FSSAI emphasizes several crucial aspects that e-commerce FBOs need to adhere to:

  • Categorization of Food Products: E-commerce FBOs must accurately categorize food products, according to the definitions and standards outlined in the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, and its associated regulations. It is essential to avoid mislabeling products, especially those licensed under the “Proprietary Food” category, such as “Health Drink” or “Energy Drink,” since these terms lack standardization.
  • Packaging, Labeling, Advertising, and Claims: All products sold on e-commerce platforms must comply with packaging, labeling, advertising, and claims regulations under the FSSAI. This ensures that consumers receive clear and accurate information on the products they purchase.
  • Consequences of Non-compliance: Failure to comply with food safety regulations can lead to legal repercussions for e-commerce FBOs. It is therefore crucial for them to follow the directives to maintain consumer trust and avoid legal issues.

E-commerce Regulations under the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)

The FSSAI has laid down comprehensive regulations concerning packaging, labeling, advertising, and claims for food products sold through e-commerce platforms. Here are some of the pointers:

  • Labeling and Display Regulations: The Food Safety and Standards (Labeling and Display) Regulations, 2020, cover various aspects such as date marking, non-vegetarian logo, compound ingredients declaration, allergen declarations, food additives declarations, net quantity, Retail Sale Price (RSP), consumer care details, and nutritional information.
  • Mandatory Declarations: E-commerce platforms must ensure that all mandatory declarations on the label are provided to consumers before sale, as it helps ensure transparency and compliance with food regulations.
  • Front Panel Declaration: The name of the food must be prominently displayed on the front panel of the packaging, as it ensures clarity for consumers and prevents ambiguity caused by fancy brand names.
  • Labeling of Non-retail Containers: Specific information must be provided for packaged food meant for non-retail sale, including the name of the food product, net quantity, the FSSAI license number and logo, date marking, lot number, and manufacturer/packer details.
  • Food Additives, Fortified, and Organic Food: Specific labeling requirements have been introduced for packages containing additives, fortified foods, and organic foods to enhance transparency and consumer awareness.

How can Freyr Assist?

As a Regulatory expert, Freyr plays a vital role in helping e-commerce FBOs comply with FSSAI’s directives. Freyr can provide guidance and support in correctly categorizing food products, updating packaging and labeling, and ensuring overall compliance with the relevant regulations. By partnering with Freyr, e-commerce FBOs can contribute to creating a safer and more trustworthy online food ecosystem in India.

Thus, adherence to FSSAI’s directives is crucial for e-commerce FBOs to maintain consumer trust and comply with Regulatory standards. With the assistance of Regulatory experts like Freyr, e-commerce platforms can effectively navigate these regulations, ensuring the safety and accuracy of food products sold online. Contact Freyr today!


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