Even when artwork packaging is often considered to be a seemingly insignificant back office job, Artwork Pack Management is one of the key processes in the stringently regulated pharma world. For any given pharmaceutical or life sciences company, meeting the ever-changing regulatory-driven requirements of global markets and finding cost-effective ways to stick to compliance standards is a constant challenge. And to execute such a large-scale activity across the globe, the prime requirement is the right mixture of business processes, design, information technology, and facilities.

The primary objective of any given organization is to experience zero product recalls, faster turn-around time, increased transparency and an integrated model that supports multiple languages across the globe. But when it comes to developing and managing artwork and packaging for huge product portfolios involving many personnel across the globe and pertaining to different organizations, errors are bound to happen. To streamline the artwork processes, organizations must avoid certain errors anticipated.

Packaging Artwork Errors, You Must Avoid

  • Gross Error: This involves a significant information being overlooked while designing and packaging. For instance, if an organization fails to change a piece of artwork in accordance with the latest regulatory requirement, it will lead to incompliance and it should be avoided.
  • Contextual Error: When any given information is provided in an ambiguous or unclear way, it creates undue confusion in turn.
  • Content Error: Any possible significant omission or incorrect usage of content.
  • Technical Error: As the name suggests, any error or omission in the technical aspects of the artwork. For instance, an incorrect barcode.

To avoid any grave and far-reaching implications of such errors affecting overall costs of an organization, a robust Artwork Management System (AMS) needs to be in place. The pharma and life sciences organizations could try reaching out to specialized companies that combine their well-adept regulatory and creative process expertise and diligently provide innovative, scalable and cost-effective regulatory artwork pack management solutions and services to support industries across the globe.