The Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) has concluded that using methylparaben as a preservative in cosmetic products at concentrations of up to 0.4% (expressed as acid) is safe, considering available data and concerns related to endocrine activity. However, the SCCS does not address environmental aspects in this assessment. The opinion provides information on using and exposing methylparaben, discusses the current approach to assessing aggregate exposure, and suggests a more realistic risk assessment using data on product use habits and concentrations. It also includes data on parameters for adults, such as product exposure and concentration of methylparaben in different cosmetic products. A conservative value of 15% skin penetration is used for products applied to the skin or hair. The opinion provides the results of a deterministic consumer aggregate exposure assessment using the maximum allowable use level of methylparaben based on regulatory levels.

News Region:
European Union
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European Union
News Tags:
Skin pigmentation