Utilizing QSAR for Compliant Clinical Study Reporting and Submissions
3 min read

In the rapidly evolving fields of clinical research and Regulatory Affairs, the integration of advanced technologies is crucial for improving efficacy and safety documentation in Clinical Study Reports (CSR). Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) is one of the leading technologies in CSR generation and processing. Global life sciences companies have implemented QSAR for its efficacy and usability. For more information on QSAR and how it can help achieve compliance in CSR, reach out to a specialist.

This blog details the potential of QSAR in enhancing CSR submissions and its role in Regulatory medical writing. It sheds light on some of the challenges of QSAR, with relevant future directions, to help Regulatory medical writers navigate the CSR submission processes effectively.

QSAR’s Role in Regulatory Medical Writing

QSAR plays a pivotal role in drug product development by bridging the gap between scientific research and Regulatory requirements. Listed below are the key pointers that establish QSAR’s relevance to CSR submissions in the Regulatory medical writing arena:

  • Enhancing Regulatory Compliance and Drug Product Development: Regulatory compliance is paramount in the pharmaceutical industry. By incorporating QSAR predictions into CSR submissions, pharmaceutical companies can present comprehensive, data-driven evidence to Regulatory Health Authorities (HAs). Other factors driving Regulatory compliance include supporting pre-clinical and clinical study design and facilitating Post-marketing Surveillance (PMS).
  • Empowering CSR Submissions: QSAR plays a vital role in predicting and assessing the safety and efficacy of Investigational New Drugs (INDs). By unraveling the intricate connection between molecular structures and therapeutic effects, QSAR enables Regulatory professionals and researchers to make data-driven decisions at the CSR submission step.
  • Enhancing Efficacy Assessment: The predictive capability of QSAR empowers decision-makers to select and advance the most promising candidates/leads for future clinical trials. By incorporating QSAR into efficacy assessments, pharmaceutical companies can make CSR submissions more efficient, cost-effective, and evidence-based, which will, in turn, lead to improved trial outcomes.
  • Upholding Safety Documentation: QSAR models can identify potential safety concerns for clinical trial volunteers at the early stages of drug development. This initial identification allows Regulatory professionals and researchers to make decisions on the safety profile of leads and design appropriate risk mitigation strategies. QSAR models in safety documentation make CSR submissions more comprehensive and reliable.
  • Streamlining Clinical Study Design: QSAR helps identify compounds with the desired pharmacological properties, predict potential drug-drug interactions, and assess possible adverse events. Integrating QSAR into the study design optimizes trial outcomes and minimizes risks associated with the investigational compounds, thereby ensuring higher chances of success.
  • Leveraging QSAR Model Validation in CSR: Regulatory guidelines provide recommendations and best practices for QSAR model validation, ensuring that the predictions are scientifically sound and reproducible. By adhering to the guidelines, Regulatory professionals and researchers can confidently utilize QSAR in CSR submissions.

Challenges and Future Directions

The limitations of QSAR can be divided into the following two (02) categories:

  • General /Non-Regulatory-focused.
  • Regulatory-focused.

Table 1 below illustrates these challenges and their respective future directions.

Table 1: Challenges and Future Directions of QSAR-based CSR Activities


Future Directions



General/ Non-Regulatory-focused

Reliable and Comprehensive Datasets

Efforts to improve data-sharing among Regulatory stakeholders and build larger and more diverse datasets.

The Complexity of Biological Systems

Incorporating additional variables and more comprehensive descriptors to capture biological systems’ complexity.

QSAR Model Development and Interpretation Expertise

Involving specialized training and resources to enhance QSAR model development skills.

Integration of Emerging Technologies

Integrating AI and ML tools to advance QSAR modeling in CSR.

Transparency and Interpretability

Developing methods to improve transparency and interpretability of QSAR models to enable their wider use in CSR.




Regulatory Acceptance and Guidelines

Collaboration between Regulatory stakeholders and establishing standardized and validation-based guidelines.

Validation and Applicability Domain Determination

Regulatory Reporting Requirements

Establishing reporting guidelines that cover QSAR-based requirements and their optimal solutions.

Addressing Data Gaps and Data Quality

Identifying Regulatory gaps through effective collaboration between stakeholders and promoting the use of public databases.

Keeping Pace with Regulatory Advancements

Staying updated with the latest regulations and being compliant with the Regulatory standards.


Incorporating QSAR in CSR submissions and Regulatory Medical Writing holds immense potential for enhancing safety and compliance in medicinal product documentation. By leveraging QSAR models, Regulatory professionals, medical writers, and researchers can gain valuable insights into compound activity, predict potential adverse effects, and make decisions throughout the drug development process. With the utilization of QSAR, the CSR submission process will become more robust, data-driven, and impactful, contributing to advancements in drug discovery and patient care.

At Freyr, our highly-skilled Regulatory clinical trial experts leverage their capability to prepare high-quality and compliant CSR submissions, clinical overviews (Module 2.5), clinical summaries (Module 2.7), and labeling justification documents. With timely delivery as an added benefit, contact us to explore our Regulatory Medical Writing solutions.