This document discusses amendments related to food additives and alcoholic beverages in Norway.It summarizes the following crucial information:Amendments to food additive regulations, including the use of colorants and other additives in various food categories, such as alcoholic beverages and food supplementsSpecific maximum permissible content levels for certain additives in different food categories are detailed. For example, the use of E 104 (Quinoline Yellow), E 110 (Sunset Yellow FCF), E 124 (Ponceau 4R), and other additives are regulated with specified limitsCertain alcoholic beverages are exempt from the use of specific additives. For instance, categories 1 to 17, 22, 36, 37, and 41 of Annex I to Regulation (EU) 2019/787 are excluded from using certain colorantsThere are restrictions on the use of additives based on the alcoholic strength by volume of the beverage. For example, only alcoholic beverages with an alcoholic strength by volume of less than 15% are allowed to use certain additivesThe documents reference various EU regulations, including Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008, which has been amended multiple times, and the latest amendments are incorporated into the EEA AgreementNew entries for additives, such as E 345(i) Trimagnesium Citrate, are added to the list of permitted substances in food supplements and other categoriesThere are specific purity criteria for additives, such as limits on heavy metals like iron, mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic

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