"The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is conducting an ongoing risk assessment regarding the safety of certain food additives like Calcium Silicate (E 552), Magnesium Silicate (E 553a(i)), Magnesium Trisilicate (E 553a(ii)), and Talc (E 553b). This insight covers the following aspects: The risk assessment deadline was set for 25-Jun-2022 This assessment, identified by the question number EFSA-Q-2021-00560, is in response to a request for an updated scientific opinion on these substances The process is an application for a modification of an already authorized food additive, and it is not subject to the Transparency Regulation The dossier for this assessment was received on 06-Oct-2021, declared valid on 01-Feb-2022 The EFSA is responsible for providing scientific advice and communicating on existing and emerging risks associated with the food chain"

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European Union
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EU Harmonized (27 Markets)
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EU Harmonized (27 Markets)